2008. május 23., péntek

Finkelstein nem léphet be "izraelbe" - Finkelstein: denied entry to the jewish state

US political author Norman Finkelstein denied entry to Israel: Finkelstein, who is Jewish and the son of Holocaust survivors, has written critical books on Israeli policies in the Palestinian territories and on what he called 'exploitation' of the Jewish tragedy during World War II.

Megtagadták a belépést Izraelbe Norman Finkelstein kiváló amerikai zsidó írótól akinek szülei holokauszt túlélők. Finkelstein több olyan könyv szerzője melyekben kritikusan taglalja Izrael politikáját a Palesztin területeken és arról amit ő -a II Világháborúban elszenvedett zsidó tragédia- "hollokauszt iparnak" nevez (Finkelstein a szerzője a hasonló című könyvnek).
A Tel Aviv-hez közeli Ben Gurion repülőtéren egy belügyminisztériumi tisztviselő azt közölte az íróval, hogy nem léphet be az országba "biztonsági" okok miatt.
Az ilyen jellegű intézkedések általában 10 év belépési tilalmat jelentenek.

Javaslatom Finkelstein professzor úrnak: a legközelebb, vegye igénybe a "szégyen falán" lévő palesztin művészek létráját.

US political author Norman Finkelstein denied entry to Israel

Jerusalem - The US political author and critic of Israel Norman Finkelstein was denied entry to the Jewish state on Friday, his lawyer said.

Finkelstein landed at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv in the early morning and was told by a representative of the ministry of interior that he would not be allowed into the country on 'security' grounds, attorney Michael Sfard told dpa.

'This usually means a 10-year ban on entry,' Sfard added.
We are all Professor Finkelstein
Mindannyian Finkelstein professzor vagyunk
Finkelstein, who is Jewish and the son of Holocaust survivors, has written critical books on Israeli policies in the Palestinian territories and on what he called 'exploitation' of the Jewish tragedy during World War II.

Finkelstein has received with the fierce disapproval of some authors and academics, while others have praised his controversial works.

Forrás - Source

Egy megjegyzés csupán: a cionista propaganda rendszerint azzal dicsekszik, hogy a törvénytelen zsidó állam a legdemokratikusabb ország a Földközi-tenger keleti partvidékén...
Demokráciát lehet értelmezni így is úgyis. Fenti eset beszélő példája a cionisták által előszeretettel alkalmazott kettős mércének.

Norman G. Finkelstein official web site

És egy bónusz Carlos Latuff karikatúra:
Katt a képre!

2008. május 21., szerda

Két új kép - Two new pictures

Irak kapitány

A Fehér Ház többé nincs biztonságban

Az Iraki ellenállás jóváhagyásával

Itt nyugszik az amerikai imperializmus

2008. május 20., kedd

US Army - Iraq 2009 - USA Hadsereg Irak 2009

Land Forces News
Four National Guard brigades alerted for 2009 Iraq Operations
US Army | May 20, 2008

Szárazföldi haderő hírei
Négy Nemzeti Gárda brigád (dandár) riadóztatva a 2009-es Iraki Hadműveletek támogatására
A hír részletei:
Aki a kapitalizmusért él, legyen készen meghalni érte!

Több mint 14 ezer Nemzeti Gárda katona kézhez vette a mozgósítási parancsát a tegnapi napon
(2008 május 19)

Az érintett egységek katonai azért kapják ennyire előre a mozgósítási parancsot, hogy fel tudjanak készülni...munkahelyeiken...családjaik...
A tájékoztatás az érintett egységek ismertetésével, méltatásával folytatódik, valamint azzal, hogy a Nemzeti Gárda eddig több mint 285 ezer katonával járult hozzá az Iraki hadműveletekhez. A cikk végén telefon szám és egy név található, föl lehet hívni az illető alezredest és meg lehet tőle kérdezni például: - Hány a most mozgósított katona közül fogja ott hagyni a fogát az Iraki hadszíntéren - Hány megy majd haza rokkantként - Hány lesz utolag öngyilkos - Menni ártatlan, védtelen, fegyvertelen iraki fog áldozatul esni a további hadműveletek során - A hadműveletekben éríntett cégeknek, és a többinek mennyi lesz a profitja...a hullazsákok, mű lábak, mankók után
The Department of the Army today joined the Department of Defense in announcing May 19 the alert of four Army National Guard Brigade Combat Teams for planned rotations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

More than 14,000 Army National Guard Soldiers are being notified by the Army to prepare for deployment to Iraq in 2009. These units are being informed in advance to provide them the opportunity to plan, conduct world-class training, and to provide some degree of predictability for the Citizen-Soldiers, their Families and their respective employers.

Július 4. Irakban

The 72nd Brigade Combat Team, Texas National Guard traces its lineage and honors back to the first iteration of the 36th Infantry Division, which was originally organized at Camp Bowie (Fort Worth), TX, on 18 July 1917, and which drew from units of the Texas and Oklahoma National Guard. The 72nd Brigade Combat Team includes Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 72nd Brigade; the 536th Forward Support Battalion; and the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 141st Infantry Regiment.

2nd Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division (Iron Soldiers), Pennsylvania National Guard was formed in April 1963, it was made up of units which trace their lineage back to the "Fighting Tenth" Infantry Regiment of 1873. Some units within the Brigade predate the Civil War. The 2nd Brigade Combat Team deployed to Iraq in 2005. They operated in Al Anbar Province in the heart of the "Sunni Triangle." They had a U.S. Marine battalion and an Active U.S. Army battalion attached to them as well as an entire brigade of the Iraqi Army. 2nd Brigade returned home June of 2006

The 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Tiger Brigade), of the Louisiana Army National Guard, was until 2006 a "heavy" brigade that consisted of two mechanized infantry battalions (2nd & 3rd Battalions, 156th Infantry Regiments), one armor (1st Battalion, 156th Armor Regiment), one combat engineer battalion (1088th Engineers), one support Battalion (199th Brigade Support Battalion), a self-propelled artillery battalion (1st Battalion, 141st Artillery Regiment), Headquarters Company 256th and 256th Military Intelligence Company. As of September 2006, the 256th Brigade transitioned from a mechanized to a light configuration of two infantry battalions, a battalion of towed artillery, a Brigade Special Troops Battalion, and one cavalry squadron for reconnaissance. They retained their Brigade Support Battalion and the Brigade Headquarters Company. The 256th Brigade was still deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom when Hurricane Katrina struck the Louisiana coast and returned days prior to Hurricane Rita's landfall in Southwest Louisiana. The brigade was activated for state duty immediately following its release from active duty and helped with security, rescue, and reconstruction work throughout all of south Louisiana. Much of the brigade remained on duty for almost five months after returning from Iraq. Many 256th Soldiers are still on state active duty in New Orleans, "Task Force Gator," serving as a supplemental force to the New Orleans Police Department.

278th Brigade Combat Team (I Volunteer, Sir) Tennessee National Guard history began before the American Revolution when local militia units formed throughout communities in East Tennessee. These units were organized to protect the early settlers in Tennessee from the Creek and Cherokee Indians who often raided settlements in East Tennessee. Once these militia units were formed, the Indian raids generally subsided and life on the Tennessee frontier settled down. The 278th ACR deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III (2004-2005) from late December 2004 until OCT 2005. The regiment operated along the Iranian border in the Diyala Province centered southeast of Baquba, Balad Ruz being the nearest town.

The National Guard has responded to every call for forces, already having mobilized more than 285,000 Soldiers. Each time the National Guard has been called upon, they have responded with proven and capable warriors. These outstanding Citizen-Soldiers, their Family members and employers continue to make great sacrifices for our country and they acknowledge and appreciate the continued support of the American people.

The case-by-case selection of Army National Guard forces honors worldwide commitments and provides combatant commanders the forces they need to maintain the current momentum in support of operations in Iraq.

Media questions specific to the units being alerted should be referred to their unit public affairs officers. For more information, contact Lt. Col. Lee M. Packnett at (703) 614-2487.
